Diamond Cutting


Corlia Roberts can assist you to obtain a license to purchase diamonds in the rough, each rough gemstone will be carefully selected, then polished to perfection to release its true brilliance to maximize a return on your investment.

Diamond cutting and polishing is the process of transforming a rough diamond into a brilliant, faceted display of light. It is an art and craft that Corlia Roberts craftsmen have mastered through years of experience, and in addition.

Diamond Cutting is an exact science that requires intense precision, attention to detail, and state-of-the-art diamond processing technology.

Through our diamond cutting training, the student will acquire the skills needed for this process, as every facet must be perfectly aligned in order to ensure the mesmerizing brilliance and sparkle that you see in every perfectly cut diamond.

At the Corlia Roberts Institute of Diamonds in Pretoria attention to detail is taught every step of the way.

Apply today

Contact No. +27 82 492 0055 WhatsApp +27 82 965 7740

PO Box 2708, Brooklyn Square, Pretoria, 0075

Corlia Roberts Institute of Diamonds Reg No. 2019/18297/07

South African Diamond & Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR) Client code 21139

SDL  Seta 16/ SIC 39210 – No L650805189

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