Technical ability | Diamond licence application

Technical ability, Requirements to apply for a Licence in South Africa from The South African Diamond & Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR)

 We can assist with the technical ability, business plan and the complete diamond licence application.. WhatsApp us for assistance +27739990999

License application requirements for a diamond beneficiation licence, diamond dealing licencewhat technical ability and documents you will need;

  1. Company registration documents
  2. A Company resolution
  3. Technical ability
  4. Financial ability
  5. Business plan
  6. Documentary proof of premises
  7. Compliance with NEMA (National Environment Management Act)
  8. Tax clearance certificate
  9. SAPS 365 clearance
  10. Prescribed non-refundable fee

NOTE: All copies must be recently certified and valid within 3 three months period from the date of certification.

Need information on how to become a Jeweller in South Africa or Diamond Dealer complete the form below;

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Contact Number” type=”text”][contact-field label=”I need assistance with an application for a: ” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Diamond Dealers Licence (DD),Diamond Beneficiation Licence (DB),Application for Jeweller’s Permit (PMJ),Gold dealer “][contact-field label=”Identity Number” type=”text” required=”1″][/contact-form]


  • Company registration documents mean: registration documents issued by
    CIPC, when registering a company. When applying in a CC or Co. all the
    members or Director’s Identity documents are required;
  • Company resolution means a resolution stating the person acting in
    a representative capacity for the organisation;
  • Technical ability means: Certification in rough / cutting and polishing of rough
    diamonds or experience in the Jewellery manufacturing and refining fields or a
    Degree/ Diploma or submission of previous SARS permit or previous precious
    metals/diamond license or a reference letter from the previous employer or if the
    a person is not a member or director of the organisation we will need a signed
    employment contract;
  • Financial ability means Proof of an investor, A bank statement or letter from the bank indicating that
    you have a bank account. Recently obtained;
  • A business plan means A business plan in compliance with the Mining Charter;
  • Documentary proof of premises means Utility bill of premises if owned by the
    organisation/ lease agreement if renting. Nature of business must be included in
    the leases; the duration of the lease must be valid for at least five years;
  • Compliance with NEMA (National Environment Management Act) means:
    the listing of chemicals that will be used in the manufacturing by a jeweler and the
    disposal plan of the chemicals once used.
    For refiners, the local municipality has to be consulted for a letter of no
    objection and application for an air emission license;
  • Tax clearance certificate means: A tax clearance in good standing from your local SARS office valid for
    one year only;
  • Original SAPS 365 means: A police clearance application at any local police station and takes 2
    weeks to be processed the cost R160.00;
  • A prescribed non-refundable fee means an application fee for the type of license/permit/certificate you intend to apply for.

SAPS 365 Police Clearance Certificate for persons wishing to deal in rough diamonds;

Conditions and Service Description: 

This service is available to people who require confirmation of their criminal status for applying for a licence under The Precious Metals Act, 2005 (Act 37 of 2005). A certificate will be issued stating whether any criminal offenses have been recorded against the applicant in the Republic of South Africa. The issuing of a Police Clearance Certificate (SAPS 365) is the sole responsibility of the SAPS Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management (CR & CSM) in Pretoria.

The Application Process for a Police Clearance Certificate for a Diamond Licence:


The applicant must provide a full set of his/her fingerprints on a SAPS 91 (a) form.

The fingerprints will be taken at the nearest police station.

The applicant’s full name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, identity number (if applicable), and South African mobile number must also be recorded on the fingerprint form.

A copy of the applicant’s identity document/passport and proof of payment must accompany the application.

The applicant must present their identity document at the police station, as proof of identity will be required.

All the documents will be sent to the SAPS Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management (CR & CSM) in Pretoria by the police station.

Certain countries abroad might require the maiden surname and/or other surnames to appear on the police clearance certificate. Should a maiden surname and/or other surnames be required on a police clearance certificate, mention must be made thereof in the application, and documentary proof of the maiden surname and/or other surnames (for example copy of the marriage certificate) must be attached to the application.
South African citizens living outside the RSA, may apply at any police station in that country or at the South African Embassy.

The application must be accompanied by a completed set of fingerprints, a certified copy of the applicant’s identity document or passport and if applicable, documentary proof of maiden of another surname.

If the applicant provides his/her cell number (currently only South African) on the application for a police clearance certificate, he/she will be provided with an SMS indicating that the application was received and the reference number that was allocated to his/her certificate.

A follow-up SMS will be sent upon completion of the application. By using the reference number provided, the applicant can establish the progress on the status of the application by enquiring on the SAPS’s website.

The completed police clearance certificate will be sent back to the local police station where the application was submitted. The applicant can collect it from the local police station.

Upon collection of the police clearance certificate, the applicant must present the original identity document or passport for confirmation of their identity


This service is rendered at R160,00 per application, which is payable by bank-guaranteed cheque, a banker’s draft or electronic payment into the South Africa Police Service’s account (ABSA cheque account number 4054522787; branch code 632005; Swift code ABSA ZAJJ) in favor of the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service.

In the case of electronic payment, the initials and surname of the applicant must be indicated as the reference. The letters PCC must be added as a reference, which will indicate that the payment is for a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). An applicant who prefers to make an electronic payment abroad can approach any bank that can make a telegraphic transfer, and request that the relevant fees be paid into the above bank account. Proof of payment must be sent to this office before the processing of the application will commence.

Service standard: The average time to render this service, will be approximately 15 working days from the day that the completed application is received at Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management until the clearance certificate is issued.


Check the status of your Police Clearance Application

You can check your application progress here

Need help to become a Diamond Dealer? We can assist with your application call or WhatsApp +27739990999 / +27829657740

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