

Looking for a career in Diamond Grading  ?

The Corlia Roberts Diamond Education College offer courses in the field of Diamonds in diamond evaluation, grading and polishing, diamond cutting and courses for the retail Jeweler.

On completion of the course, successful students  receive completion certificate, which “undoubtedly open doors within the diamond & jewellery industry.

Job seekers

We are exited to help you find a job in the Jewellery, Jewelry, and Diamond Industry, Please forward us a copy of your CV or resume, if you were not trained by us we would need to do an assessment before we can recommend you to employers seeking to hire top professionals.

Companies Hiring 

If you have available vacancies and require to recruit qualified staff in the Jewellery or Diamond Industry we can currently refer candidates from our database, these students Job seekers, have been screened or trained by us to ensure they meet your needs. By regularly updating and doing refresher training we are more able to ensure that the right students, job applicants are coming through to fill your vacancies.

Current Jobs on offer:

 Company is in the process of setting up a diamond factory  in Cape Town to open later this year and  have decided to begin an internship program. It will initially begin with one candidate and later, they intend to grow it further. The internship they are looking to offer is in the position of Diamond Cutter and Polisher –  at an entry level.

At this stage, the salary is negotiable. Students are welcome to provide us with their salary expectations and they would see if they can match it.
They have requested that we put their offer to students and revert to them with the details of any of student who would be interested in this opportunity.
If you are interested in the position please contact via the form below:

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Telephone Number’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’I am intrested in:’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Jobs Available,Looking to Hire’/][/contact-form]

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